Eagle Ford Shale Play

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Eagle Ford Leads Texas in Gas Production

Eagle Ford Natural Gas Production

The Texas Railroad Commission (RRC) released its preliminary full year production numbers for 2016, showing the Eagle Ford Shale the biggest producer of natural gas in Texas. 

Related: EIA Expects Gas Production to Decline

The Eagle Ford Shale leads Texas in natural gas production, according to the RRC. For full year 2016, the state's regulatory agency reported total gas production at 7,969,918,341 (mcf). This figure is broken down by region to include:

  • Eagle Ford Shale: 5357 (MMcf) 
  • Permian Basin: 5193 (MMcf)
  • Barnett Shale: 3775 (MMcf)
  • Haynesville : 887 (MMcf)

For December, 2016, Webb County was the top producing Texas county. The chart below shows the top 10 in the state, with five being in the Eagle Ford. 


The EIA recently announced it expects the trend to slow and that natural gas production in the Eagle Ford will decline in March by 25 MMcf/d to almost 5.6 Bcf/d, its lowest level since November 2013. Natural gas production from the other big shale basins is projected to increase to a record high 49.1 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in March.

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