Eagle Ford Shale Play

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Carrizo Springs TX Population Sees Eagle Ford Boom

Carrizo Springs added almost 3,000 people as the Eagle Ford Shale has taken off. The oil & gas industry has made a major call on resources and created thousands of jobs across South Texas. In areas that experience a boom, like we are in the Eagle Ford, it can take a couple of years for infrastructure and the tax rolls to catch up.

Once sleepy South Texas towns are finding themselves wide awake, caught in the whirlwind of an oil boom.

Residents of Carrizo Springs, formerly a town of just fewer than 6,000 people, are finding empty store shelves and crowded streets that are crumbling under the weight of nearly 3,000 newcomers.

The growth comes courtesy of the development of the Eagle Ford Shale deposit, which has been billed as the next big oil and natural gas play in Texas.

"Like with any growth, there's growing pains," said Dimmit County Commissioner Mike Uriega. "Our infrastructure has been affected; our roads are being torn up."

Read the entire press release at ksat.com