Eagle Ford Shale Play

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Eagle Ford Development is a Win for the U.S.

Eagle Ford development is a big win for the U.S. Most foreign countries are sitting on opportunity without acting. Al Holcomb of Lewis Energy Group shared his thoughts on the Eagle Ford and U.S. shale development yesterday at the Plaza Club in San Antonio. In speaking about the Eagle Ford and shale gas in general, Holcomb said:

“This play is huge, South Texas is emerging as one of the hottest oil and gas regions in this country.”

“The rest of the world is still sitting, it’s given us an unbeatable edge. The big winner will be our country.

Read more about the meeting at fuelfix.com

Lewis Energy is a legacy operator in South Texas who was well positioned with several hundred thousand acres prospective for the Eagle Ford before 2008. The company is now partnered with BP and expects to drill over 2,000 wells in the next 10-15 years. Lewis was very early in testing the Eagle Ford. The company drilled its first well targeting the play in 2002.