Eagle Ford Shale Play

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Highlights From Palo Alto College Oil & Gas Event

Eagle Ford Event Registration Line Photo

An event called "Empower Your Industry Knowledge" was held January 9th at Palo Alto College in San Antonio. Local constituents and representatives from TCU's Energy Institute were on hand.

You can stay up to date on regional meetings at our Eagle Ford Events page.

Here are a few highlights from the meeting:

  • The Eagle Ford is still in the early stages of development
  • Landman are still working the area of understanding of the play expands
  • Expectations are for the Eagle Ford to dwarf other plays in terms of oil production
  • Almost 30% of US oil & gas spend will be directed to the Eagle Ford
  • Housing issues are still being addressed
  • Training programs are being established
  • Natural gas will gain market share and should make the Eagle Ford's gas window more valuable

Read more from Jennifer Hiller's coverage at mysa.com