Eagle Ford Shale Play

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Murphy Hits Record Eagle Ford Production in Q2 2014

Murphy Eagle Ford Acreage

Murphy Oil Corp.'s second-quarter Eagle Ford production hit a new company record of 52,184 boe/d, with a 90% liquids cut. That's up about 6% from the previous quarter and 33% year-over-year. Murphy expects to surpass 60,000 boe/d in 2015. At current rates, the company should realize its anticipated production target in the first or second quarter of next year.

Portfolio-wide, the company averaged total production of 210,191 boe/d, which is about 3% less than anticipated for the quarter. The shortfall was attributed to Murphy's operational delays relating to its offshore business in Malaysia.

Read more: Murphy's Eagle Ford Production Grows to 39,000 boe/d in 2013

In the Eagle Ford Shale, 53 new wells were brought on line during the quarter. That's up from 44 wells in the first quarter of 2014.

The company is currently operating eight drilling rigs and four completions across the play. Murphy expects to bring on a total of 200 wells (including non-operated locations) in 2014.

Murphy's Upper Eagle Ford Tests Could Boost Drilling Inventory

According to company officials, further testing for upside potential in the Upper Eagle Ford Shale zone is expected, which could yield 600 additional well locations, beyond the 1,500 locations remaining to be drilled in the Lower Eagle Ford Shale. Murphy officials also indicate downspacing efforts across the Eagle Ford continue to deliver positive results. At the company's current pace, officials expect 10 + years of drilling.

Furthermore, Murphy is in the process of conducting negotiations for two separate pipeline arrangements in its Karnes and Tilden areas of the play to transport up to 28,000 b/d oil net to market. The company hopes to reduce trucking operations and improve overall reliability.

Read more at murphyoilcorp.com