Eagle Ford Shale Play

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RRC and Haliburton Fracking Water Use is a Concern

Haliburton and the Texas RRC both expressed concerns over the amount of water being used in hydraulic fracturing operations at a Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center meeting in San Angelo, TX. The amount of water used in fracking oil and gas wells has sky rocketed over the past few years.  The completion method was first used in shale gas formations, but has since expanded into liquids-rich formations such as the Eagle Ford.

"Stephen Ingram, technology manager for Halliburton, the oil and gas company that invented the well stimulation technique in the late 1940s, said the industry needs to find ways 'to limit the procurement of water' used for 'fracking.' "" 'We're using a lot of water. We need to figure out a way to utilize less of it,' Ingram said during a presentation at a conference held at the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center in San Angelo."


"Leslie Savage, chief geologist for the Texas Railroad Commission, the oil and gas industry's main governmental overseer, said during her presentation that the concerns being raised in northeastern states about fracking and groundwater contamination do not translate to Texas."

" 'Frankly, in my opinion, it is not the well casing, it is not the hydraulic fracturing chemicals that are a problem in hydraulic fracturing,' Savage said. ' It is the use of water, particularly in drought.'