Texas Railroad Commissioner David J. Porter will deliver the Keynote Address at Shale EnviroSafe, the conference & exhibition focused on the environmental, health, safety, and regulatory considerations facing U.S. shale plays. Commissioner Porter is scheduled to kick off the first day of Shale EnviroSafe, which will be held October 14-16 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX.
Porter was elected to serve a six-year term as Texas Railroad Commissioner in November 2010. Since taking office, he’s created the Eagle Ford Shale Task Force to establish a forum that brings the community together and fosters a dialogue regarding drilling activities in the Eagle Ford Shale. In recognition of his foresight and leadership, Porter was named “Man of the Year” by the industry publication The Oil & Gas Year – Eagle Ford 2013.
“Commissioner Porter has extensive knowledge of drilling activities in the Eagle Ford shale play and is certain to bring tremendous insight and value to our attendees,” said Kayla Appelt, Conference Manager. “We are honored that Commissioner Porter has agreed to deliver the Keynote Address at Shale EnviroSafe.”
Following the Commissioner’s Keynote Address there will be concurrent conference sessions focused on surface and groundwater management, well integrity, emergency preparedness and response, occupational health and safety, crisis communications, safety in shale plays, and asset management. Along with this in-depth program, the 2nd Annual Shale EnviroSafe will include an exhibit floor that features leading service companies showcasing their latest environmental, health, and safety solutions and technologies.
For the latest updates on Shale Envirosafe, visit www.shaleenvirosafe.com. For information on attendance or exhibiting opportunities, please contact:
Carey Buchholtz Marketing Manager (713) 343-1878 careyb@tradefairgroup.com
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