SPE-GCS Shale Study Group to Be Formed in 2015

The Society of Professional Engineers' Gulf Coast Section (SPE-GCS) hopes to form a new group in 2015 to examine shale technologies, and collaborate with industry professionals on ways to make shale more sustainable.

This group will help disseminate information on new technologies, new services, best practices, benchmarking, lessons learned, safety, regulation, etc., said the group’s organizer, Kim Thames, by email. “The group aims to bring together the best shale expertise and ultimately become SPEI’s leader in shale knowledge.

It's yet to be determined how group participants will meet, but Thames notes it will be similar to other SPE Study Groups, with monthly meetings, lunch and learns, networking, sporting events, etc. In-person meetings will be in Houston, TX.

If you are interested in getting involved in this new group as a supporter or in a leadership position, contact Kim at kim.thames@bhpbilliton.com to have her add your name and SPE member number to the petition.

Winter NAPE Expo Business Conference Highlights - 2014


The NAPE Expo is a North American event with some international influence, which features key players in the oil and gas industry. The business conference theme for 2014 was sustainability in the U.S. oil and gas industry.

The conference touched on key issues such as hydraulic fracking, regulatory and environmental issues, operational procedures and technological innovations.

Hydraulic Fracking and the Issue of Water

Multiple speakers  put a spotlight on the practice of hydraulic fracturing, and water sustainability. Here are some of their comments:

  • Former Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, said, "I believe hydraulic fracking is safe... there is not a single case where fracking has caused an environmental problem for anyone."
  • David Blackmon, Dir. FTI Consulting, said, "the biggest issue by far facing the industry today is water."
  • 880 Trillion Gallons of brackish water in Texas could potentially be used for development in 2 - 3 years according to Blackmon
  • "The Eagle Ford doesn't flow back as much water as other areas, and it looks like its going to be at a net water deficit for some time," said Andrew Slaughter, VP, Upstream Research, IHS

Regulations and Environmental Issues

  • Effective January 1st, new casing and cementing regulations went into effect for all Texas Operators
  • Texas Rail Road Commissioner, Christi Craddick, to Texas Operators: "we'll be implementing and enforcing flaring rules [in February 2014]." Read more at rrc.tx.state.us
  • David Blackmon, Dir. FTI Consulting, said, "the Endangered Species Act could potentially have a significant (detrimental) impact on business in [Texas]."

Operational Procedures and Using Technology for Sustainability

  • Robert Turnham, CEO, Goodrich Petroleum on business strategy: "We move early, identify opportunities and take the risk up-front. If you move early, then you enjoy lower royalty burdens straight off the top."
  • Apache converting waste gas to electricity for field grid usage
  • General industry focus on artificial lift technology in shale drilling to quickly drain reservoirs
  • New diverter technology being utilized to make shale drilling more economic in marginal wells

Other Notable Comments from the Conference

  • Luke Keller, VP, BP America, said, "[the] U.S. could achieve energy independence by 2035."
  • "$2000 financial benefit to every American household by 2015 due to unconventional drilling of natural gas," according to Don McClure, VP, Government Stakeholder Relations and Legal, EnCana Oil and Gas USA
  • "The U.S. has close to 200 - 300 years of hydrocarbon reserves," according to Charles McConnell, Rice University
  • Industry encouraged to support better outreach and education initiatives via social media outlets

Learn more about NAPE by visiting napeexpo.com