Shale EnviroSafe Summit in San Antonio, TX - Dec. 2, 2014 - Press Release

The Shale EnviroSafe Summit will take place December 2nd at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. The Summit is a one-day event focused on environmental, health, safety and regulatory considerations for shale plays across the U.S. The event was designed to bring together like-minded EH&S professionals to network and discuss important industry issues in one concentrated, fast-moving day. The Shale EnviroSafe Summit will host six educational sessions, along with an introductory breakfast and a closing networking reception. Sessions include community interaction and engagement; transportation issues; safety in rural and residential areas; specialized emergency response; case studies; and managing short service employees. Each of the six sessions will feature experts from companies such as Shell, ConocoPhillips, Union Pacific Railroad, Marathon Oil, Hilcorp Energy, and more.

To register or view the latest updates on Shale EnviroSafe, visit

For information on attendance or sponsoring opportunities, please contact Marketing Manager Carey Buchholtz at 713.343.1878

2nd Annual Eagle Ford Shale Expo & Conference in Corpus Christi in April - Press Release

Eagle Ford Shale Magazine
Eagle Ford Shale Magazine

(Corpus Christi, TX)Texas Eagle Ford Shale Magazine officials are extremely excited to announce expo details and put a call-out for exhibitors, supporters and speakers to participate in the upcoming 2nd Annual Texas Eagle Ford Shale Exposition and Service Company Conference.

Event Details at a Glance

  • April 28 - 30, 2014
  • American Bank Center - Corpus Christi, TX
  • 2,000+ ATTENDEES
  • 100 SPEAKERS

More About the Event

The three-day event will take place April 28–30, 2014, at the American Bank Center, in Corpus Christi, Texas. The event will bring together service companies, leading operators and industry experts from across the nation to present their findings, new technology and share insights related to the Eagle Ford Shale play.

With the theme “Trail of the Shale - Forging Pathways to a New Energy Marketplace,” organizers of this prestigious event anticipate hosting more than 2,000+ attendees, 250 exhibitors and 100 speakers. The event's Presenting Sponsor is Louisiana-based JC Fodale Energy Services, LLC, a nationwide oilfield services provider; Applus RTD, Pipe Gator and Stratton Oilfield Systems are Diamond Level Sponsors.

The Expo promotes business to business success. Our goal is to bond relationships between businesses and those seeking growth, jobs, cutting-edge technology, education and prosperity in the oil and gas industry by making connections in one single location. We’re glad we can provide a platform to share products, practices and exciting innovations.
— Sandra Castillo, Publisher of Texas Eagle Ford Shale Magazine and event coordinator.

Expert speakers will make presentations within 5 informative tracks:

  • Innovative & Emerging Technology
  • LNG Energy Sustainability
  • Equipment & Operational Services
  • Water Applications & Processes
  • HSE Training & Compliance

Castillo points out exhibitors will be able to interact with an extraordinary number of clients, vendors and attendees with interests in the Eagle Ford Shale oil and gas community; enjoy networking opportunities with decision-makers looking for operational products and services; and capture immediate feedback. Exhibitors will also be able to stay on top of industry trends, acquire leads, close sales, and draw new customers.

We invite businesses to promote, launch, demonstrate and sell their services and products directly to hundreds of leaders
— Castillo


With its first edition hitting the streets in May 2013, Texas Eagle Ford Shale Magazine is the very first and only publication in the South Texas shale region dedicated entirely to promoting business and industry directly to the Eagle Ford Shale community and global interests. The magazine illuminates the history, economic growth, financial advancement and sustainable energy future that the Eagle Ford Shale play offers to the great State of Texas and borders beyond. The publication's unique and well-rounded approach to stimulate minds and conversations through informative and entertaining content and creative design was even given a nod by Forbes (September 26, 2013).

For more information contact:

Jaime Powell Phone: 361.438.0113


Deloitte Oil & Gas Conference Speakers Detail a Bright Future in Energy

Deloitte Oil Gas Conference - Global Capital Budgets
Deloitte Oil Gas Conference - Global Capital Budgets

Deloitte held their annual Oil & Gas Conference on Nov 16th and the sessions featured several key leaders from across the industry.

While the conference is about the industry overall, the shale plays naturally commanded the lion's share of the conference. The mood was highly optimistic. We are no longer in the "shale revolution", rather this energy renaissance is a reality that is here to stay.

Overall, the common theme throughout the sessions could be summarized in a word: "Innovation." Whether it is lowering costs or utilizing currently flared gas through a gas-to-liquids (GTL) process, the industry sees room for growth.

A few key points and statistics we noted while at the conference:

  • Oil production is at levels not seen since the mid 1980s
  • The US has 15% of technically recoverable shale gas and 17% of technically recoverable shale oil resources globally
  • The US will pass Russia as leading O&G producer this year; will pass Saudi Arabia next year
  • Shale has increased our current trade balance by $200 million/yr and is predicted to give us oil independence by 2020
  • A better trade balance has led to increasing geopolitical influence in critical regions
  • The oil export ban needs reform. Otherwise, refinery changes are needed and we will consume more expensive crude.
  • Operators are focused on cutting costs to increase valuations
  • According to Maynard Holt, "we may be in the 8th inning of the shale game, but we're in the 3rd inning of the completion/cocktail game"
  • In the last five years, foreign firms have invested over $100 billion in US unconventional assets
  • Since 2008, Chinese joint ventures have spent 44 billion to acquire N. America based energy firms and assets
  • Gas-to-liquids technology is becoming more and more attractive with current oil and gas prices
  • Skip Horvath, Natural Gas Supply Association predicts that natural gas will hit $6.00 by 2020, "assuming Washington leaves us alone over the next few years."

"This boom isn't just for a few years. We believe the shale revolution really has staying power" -Ryan Lance, ConocoPhillips CEO

About the Deloitte Oil & Gas Conference

The Deloitte Oil & Gas Conference is an annual conference for oil and gas executives and leading industry experts to share their views on important issues facing the global oil and gas industry. The objective of this conference is to provide a forum for executives and managers from companies in all sectors of the oil and gas industry, commercial and investment bankers, industry analysts, service providers to the oil and gas industry, representatives of government agencies, trade groups and policy planners, to understand emerging issues.

Port of Corpus Christi Booms on the Back of Eagle Ford Growth

Oil Tanker Leaving Port of Corpus Christi
Oil Tanker Leaving Port of Corpus Christi

We spent part of the week at the Fall Eagle Ford Consortium Conference and were able to attend a tour of the Port of Corpus Christi. In the past, oil was arriving on a regular basis, but Eagle Ford exports to other parts of the U.S. are outpacing imports for the first time. The Port is booming.

More than $3.8 billion in projects are under construction and another $10.7 billion are in some phase of permitting at the Port. The largest project being considered is a $10 billion natural gas liquefaction plant that has been proposed by Cheniere Energy.

We would get excited about $10 million projects in the past and now we have $10 billion projects proposed
— John LaRue of the Port of Corpus
Frac Sand Super Sacks
Frac Sand Super Sacks

The Cheniere site was formerly a proposed regasification site, but the need to import gas has been minimized by the abundance of shale gas in the U.S. If construction of the export terminal goes forward, as much as 2 bcf/d could be exported from the site.

While the LNG export facility is the biggest project, construction has yet to start and all of the activity seen around the area is related to other projects. A few of the largest projects include:

  • Nueces River Rail Yard - $46 million
  • M&G PET Resin Plant - Resin used in plastic packaging - $900 million
  • Trafigura Crude Oil Terminal - $500 million
  • Tianjin Pipe Corp - Seamless Pipe Plant - $1.3 billion
  • Oxy's Ingleside Energy Center - LPG Export - $1 billion

Other Takeaways from the Eagle Ford Consortium Conference

  • Federal funding is needed to help deepen the port to 52 ft
  • Math problem means funding hasn't caught up to Eagle Ford roads and some will be converted to gravel until oil and gas development subsides
  • Harbor Bridge in Corpus Christi will have a $800 million price tag
  • CNG is becoming more popular with transit authorities
  • One company using LNG in its oilfield service trucks expects a pay out in less than two years

Watch for more information in the coming months related to the Annual Eagle Ford Consortium Conference that is held in San Antonio in the spring of each year.

5 Tips for Making the Most of an Oil & Gas Conference & Expo

Let's be honest. Conferences are expensive. Very expensive - Registration fees, airfare, auto rental, food – and maybe most of all your time and associated opportunity costs. The list goes on. Both DUG Eagle Ford in San Antonio and the South Texas Oilfield Expo in Corpus Christi are September 18-19, and I know some of you are going to attempt to attend both. Make the most of it.

How much business comes from a conference won't be known until months down the road, but you can make sure you get the most out of the event with the following tips.

Learn more about maximizing your Eagle Ford Advertising

1. Take Notes (It's obvious. You know it and still don't do it.)

Some people call it paralysis by analysis. Conferences are packed full of content and you're meeting new people.  It's easy to overlook the fact that you'll forget most of what you learn before the day is over.

Smart phones make this easy. Use the notes function on your phone or download an app like Evernote that makes taking notes and sharing them across devices very easy.

2. Don't Make Every Conversation & Presentation a Page of Notes

If you are there to learn, write down 1-3 takeaways from each presentation or conversation.

Seriously. For a lot of people, this is why they don't take notes. It's overwhelming and it shouldn't be. If it's more than you can read in a glance, it is too much.

If you are there to meet business contacts, get their business card and write 1-3 things about your conversation on the back of it.

It's amazing how a lead can seem hot at a conference and a few days later you don't even remember their face....err, or they yours.

In your notes, star or highlight the most important things you don't want to miss a week later (your top 10%).

3. Create a Plan & Don't Follow It

It sounds crazy, but most conferences have a structure you should plan around. With that, the conversations in the coffee line or at lunch are often the best.

When you see people wearing a company logo or standing at a company booth you are interested in, introduce yourself.  Serendipitous, unplanned meetings are one of the often missed benefits of a conference. Miss the next presentation if the person is a potential business contact.

Two tips:

  • Quality contacts will last longer and be more valuable than any piece of information learned in one of the presentations
  • Go to the breakout rooms after the presentations you're most interested in. It's a less intimidating setting for the presenter and is where they will let down their guard. The result is you get real answers and not prepared remarks (the company line).

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4. Follow Up With Contacts In Real Time

[sws_blue_box box_size="630"]My experience is that people only follow up with a fraction of the people they meet. It is hard to remember every person and every conversation. Add a time element to a fuzzy memory and we don't act or we send a canned (copy and paste) email that isn't personal and it's hardly effective. [/sws_blue_box]

Use an app like LinkedIn's CardMunch to take a picture of business cards and have information automatically imported into your contact list. You can add the person as a LinkedIn contact straight from the app.

Send a follow up email when you are on a break or when you get to the hotel. If you don't, the statistics indicate you won't.

5. Use Social Media At The Conference

I'm not a natural at social media, so don't expect anything revolutionary from me. What I can say is that the world is on social media and the oil & gas industry is too.

Let me repeat that another way. YOU are on Facebook and use social media in some capacity, so it's not just people that have too much time on their hands.

I've seen everything from small transactions to major business leads come through the likes of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. These connections are happening every day.

My top three "getting started" social media tips are:

  • Use LinkedIn and Facebook status updates to tell professional contacts and friends you are going to a conference. You'll be surprised. Someone you went to high school or college with is in the oil & gas industry and will comment.
  • Use Twitter to get real time updates at the conference. The event sponsor and many of the attendees will use Twitter while they are there. There is no reason you shouldn't learn from them in real time.
  • If you're naturally social (a salesperson) or you handle marketing for your company, you should be using social media at the conference. Share photos, details about events you are involved in, and interact with the other people at the conference.

We hope the tips above make your next conference the most valuable to date. If you have more ideas, please share them in the comments below.

Let us know if you plan to attend an Eagle Ford Conference soon (Contact Us Here). We'll be sure to stop by your booth to introduce ourselves.

Feel free to contact us through any of the following: