Eagle Ford Well & Frac Design Conference
We spent yesterday afternoon at the Eagle Ford Well & Frac Design Conference in Houston. The biggest takeaway was it is still early in the life of the Eagle Ford and operators are learning more with every well. Don't be surprised if the extent of the Eagle Ford grows as more is learned.
A few of the things we noted include:
- The boom is expanding into Brazos County & the surrounding area. Watch for activity from more than just Halcon later in the year
- Operators are targeting the Pepper Shale interval of the Woodbine/Eagle Ford in the Eaglebine area
- Hitting your target is very important in the Eagle Ford. One operator found just 60% of fracks were successful when above the target zone and just 15% successful below the zone
- Operators are seeing improvements by pumping more sand per foot of lateral. Up to 1,500-2,000 lbs/ft
- Stage spacing is difficult to determine. You can't change it once you start the completion
- Much more clay can be present than previously thought
- The Eagle Ford and its equivalents stretch 2,000 miles into the Northeast
- Fina had a well with a production contribution from the Eagle Ford Shale in the 1920s
- 214 of the approximately 6,400 wells have been dry holes to date
- Common well failures include: Lateral collapse, casing collapse, out of zone drilling, geologic faults, and operators unable to drill out plugs
- ZaZa calls it "Slow back" - controlling reservoir pressures early on is an important factor in stabilizing the reservoir
You can learn more about the conference HERE